We do not charge a fee to buy your property.
Would you like to sell you property commission free and fee free?
We usually pay all legal fees for cash purchases, so not only do we not charge you a penny; we actually cover all of your expenses as well.
If you are dealing with estate agents, you will be asked to pay a commission based on the selling price they achieve for you.
Be aware that a significant reduction to you in your sale price, only means a slight reduction in the commission your agent will receive. Take for example, if you are selling your property for £200,000 and the estate agent asks you to reduce your sale price by £20,000 to £180,000. You have agreed to pay the agent 2% commission. This means that although you end up receiving £20,000 less for your property, the agent’s commission only reduces slightly from £4000 to £3,600. In real terms the agent only loses £400 pounds, and if it means an easy and quick sale for them at £400 less, they will take this option 100% of the time, and encourage you to reduce your price.
You do have other options, and thankfully there are other ways to get your full amount you are after, especially if we restructure your property sale, so you could end up with up to 110% of your sale price.
All that said, if you have agents already enlisted in the sale of your property, we are able to work a long side them, and we love the challenge of getting your property sold before they can. Fill in the form now so we can snap into action.